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Approximately 50lbs She continues to make progress!! That approach of the kennel master is BIG for Opal!! She could have stayed where she was, but she inched closer. She is TRYING!! We will also keep trying to help her gain confidence around people. She needs AND deserves all the cheerleaders in her corner as she overcomes her fears. Sweet Opal, we have all the faith in the world in you Some of you may have noticed Opal. She came to us at the ending of August, and she is scared. She is so scared of people that she is just now starting to allow us to take her out of her kennel. It has been slow going with her, but we are making progress. We can’t wait to watch her learn to trust people and find her forever home? I’m Opal and there is not much I can tell you about myself other than I am pretty much afraid of everything and everyone. I don’t want to be and I’m trying not to be, but I still have quite a lot of progress to make. I will take treats from humans. I seemed to have lost my ability to trust, likely for good reason! I think I can learn to trust again. I want to, anyway. For more information you could call 740-453-0273. Available for adoption at: Muskingum County K-9 Adoption Center 1854 East Pike, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 740-453-0273 Open M-F 11-5, Saturday 11-4, Sunday 11-3. Adoption fee is $105 which includes spay/neuter, combo, rabies, and bordetella vaccines, heartworm test and dog license, $125 if vaccinated for the flu. (Although some of the dogs come to the pound spayed or neutered, most do not. If you adopt a dog that has not yet been spayed/neutered, we will set up an appointment for the dog to be spayed/neutered before it can leave the facility.)