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In shelter Cat

Montreal, QC, H2L 4Y5
Pet name:
Domestic Long Hair
You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Diabolo a t amen au Rseau Secours Animal en mars 2021 aprs avoir t sorti dun appartement qui contenait environ 30 chats non socialiss comme lui. Diabolo avait aussi une bouche en trs mauvais tat ce qui a ncessit une extraction complte aux frais du Rseau Secours Animal. Aprs plusieurs mois de socialisation au refuge, Diabolo sest ouvert nous et a commenc accepter les clins! Diabolo est habitu la prsence dautres chats et bnficierait dtre adopt avec un de ses copains du refuge ou par une famille qui a dj un chat la maison. Diabolo est un chat trs discret qui vient vers nous uniquement lorsque nous avons des gteries pour lui. Il faura tre patient avec lui et comprendre ses limites. Il se laisse flatter doucement quand on prend notre temps. Il ne pourrait pas vivre avec de jeunes enfants. Diabolo a aussi un lger souffle au coeur de 1/6. Diabolo a environ 9 ans donc les frais dadoption pour lui sont de 270$. Il est strilis, vaccin, micropuc et ngatif pour le virus de limmunodficience fline (VIF) ainsi que la leucose fline (FeLV). Des assurances sant de 6 semaines viennent avec son adoption. Vous pourrez avoir recours laide de lquipe des adoptions aussi longtemps que ncessaire. Vous avez aussi droit 1 mois de consultations tlphoniques gratuites avec notre consultante en comportement flin FelineGood (

Afin davoir une chance de ladopter, veuillez remplir notre formulaire dadoption directement sur notre site web:

Diabolo was brought to the Animal Rescue Network in March 2021 after being removed from an apartment that contained approximately 30 unsocialized cats like him. Diabolo also had a very bad teeth condition which required complete extraction of his teeth at the Animal Rescue Networks expense. After several months of socialization at the shelter, Diabolo opened up to us and started accepting pets! Diabolo is used to the presence of other cats and would benefit from being adopted with one of his buddies from the shelter or by a family that already has a cat at home. Diabolo is a very discreet cat who only comes to us when we have treats for him. It will be necessary to be patient with him and to understand his limits. He lets himself be petted gently when we take our time. He could not live with young children. Diabolo also has a slight heart murmur of 1/6. Diabolo is about 9 years old, therefore the adoption fees for him are $270. He is sterilized, vaccinated, microchipped and negative for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV). You will also be provided with health insurances for the first 6 weeks following adoption. You will also have access to the support of the adoption team for as long as you need it. You will also have access to free phone consultation with our cat behaviour consultant FelineGood (

In order to get a chance to adopt him, please fill out our adoption directly on our website:
