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In shelter Cat

Montreal, QC, H2L 4Y5
Pet name:
Domestic Medium Hair
Gray / Blue / Silver
You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Rudolph a t trouv errant lhiver 2019 alors quil tait extrmement maigre, fivreux et avait de la difficult tenir debout. Heureusement, une dame lui est venu en aide et la soign afin de le remettre sur pieds. Rudolph a ensuite t admis au Rseau Secours Animal afin dventuellement tre mis ladoption. Rudolph a t particulirement stress par lenvironnement vivant du refuge et il a pris plusieurs mois pour accepter quon soccupe de lui. Il va maintenant bien et nous considrons quil est apte trouver une famille pour la vie. Rudolph aime la compagnie des autres chats avec qui il fait souvent la sieste. Ainsi, malgr quil soit porteur du VIF, il nest pas un danger pour les autres chats. Pour plus dinformation sur le VIF:
Avoir un compagnon flin sera donc un avantage pour lui puisque a le mettra davantage en confiance avec nous. Rudolph se laisse caresser, mais il faut y aller doucement. Il aime surtout se faire gratter sous le menton! Il aimera trouver une maison calme sans enfants. Sa famille devra comprendre que Rudolph est chat doux et calme qui aura besoin de temps pour sadapter sa nouvelle maison. Ses adoptants devront tre en mesure de collaborer avec notre consultante en comportement flin afin dassurer ce beau chat le meilleur avenir possible. Il est vraiment devenu un chat attachant, il faut simplement lui donner la chance de rayonner et de continuer sa progression! Rudolph a eu une extraction complte de toutes ses dents, mais cela ne lempche pas de manger des petites croquettes. Rudolph a 8 ans, donc les frais dadoption pour lui sont de 270$. Il est strilis, vaccin et micropuc. Il est positif pour le virus de limmunodficience fline (VIF), mais ngatif pour la leucose fline (FeLV). Des assurances sant de 6 semaines viennent avec son adoption. Vous pourrez avoir recours laide de lquipe des adoptions aussi longtemps que vous en aurez besoin. Vous avez aussi droit 1 mois de consultations tlphoniques gratuites avec notre consultante en comportement flin FelineGood (

Afin davoir une chance de ladopter, veuillez remplir notre formulaire dadoption directement sur notre site web:

Rudolph was found wandering in the winter of 2019 when he was extremely thin, feverish and had difficulty standing. Fortunately, a lady rescued him and nursed him back to health. Rudolph was then admitted to the Animal Rescue Network to be eventually put up for adoption. Rudolph was particularly stressed by the lively environment of the shelter and it took him several months to accept being around us. He is now doing well and we feel he is ready to find a forever family. Rudolph enjoys the company of other cats and often naps with them. Therefore, even if he carries FIV, he is not a danger for the other cats. For more information about FIV:
Having a feline companion will be an advantage for him since it will make him feel more confident with us. Rudolph can be petted, but you have to go easy on him. He especially likes to be scratched under his chin! He will like to find a quiet home without children. His family will need to understand that Rudolph is a gentle, calm cat who will need time to adjust to his new home. His adopters will need to be able to work with our cat behavior consultant to ensure this beautiful cat has the best possible future. He has truly become an endearing cat, we just need to give him the chance to shine and continue his progress! Rudolph has had all of his teeth removed, but that doesnt stop him from eating small kibbles. Rudolph is 8 years old so the adoption fees for him are $270. He is sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped. He is positive for the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) but negative for the feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). Health insurances are offered for the first 6 weeks following adoption. You will also have access to the help of the adoption team as long as you need it. You will also have 1 month of free phone consultations with out cat behaviour consultant FelineGood (

In order to get a chance to adopt him, please fill out our adoption directly on our website:
