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In shelter Cat

Richmond, IN, 47374
Pet name:
Domestic Short Hair
Tabby (Tiger Striped)
Coat length:
Hi! I am Kory. I was found trapped in a shed by a kind person who was able to get me and three of my siblings to safety (they are KOBLE, LELAND, and LOLA). 

My siblings and I got SUPER lucky and we got to join a group of sweet kittens about our same age, all hanging out in a foster home (and their mom cat, who kinda adopted us too!). All of us kittens get along great and while I would love to go home with a pal, its okay if youre wanting a one cat home - I am cool with whatever really! 

Care to get to know us better? Drop our friends and fosters a line! Dont let the location scare you off - Richmond, Indiana is close to Indianapolis, Cincy, and Dayton, but if its a match, they are happy to transport, within reason, by arrangement, too.

Something special about me: Its HARD to tell me apart from my foster siblings, Paul and Patrick! My hair is a little longer though, and I am a little less brown in color. But we could fool almost anyone!

I am fixed, and have my first distemper shot (maybe two if I am not adopted soon!). I have also been dewormed at least once. I can get my rabies before heading home, or we can make that arrangement with your vet so we can meet each other!


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