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In shelter Rabbit

Waldwick, NJ, 07463
Pet name:
Hi! I’m Oats. Just recently I was let go to fend for myself on the streets of New York City. Luckily, two rabbit lovers passed me and I circled their feet begging for help. They couldn’t turn away and contacted Hug-a-Bunny to see what they should do. Immediately they scooped me into their car and brought me to the most amazing foster mom. It feels like Bunny DisneyLand here! For the first time, I have a warm place to live with amazing food, greens, and hay. 

It was clear that I was very hormonal and in need of a neuter…quickly. I did amazing through the surgery and had a speedy recovery and I am back to live my life in my foster home. 

I am THE FRIENDLIEST bunny. I LOVE people. I will circle your feet and make you feel like the most special person in the world. I love to have my face petted. Rabbits with my personality only come around every once in a while. I’m not sure if I would bond to another rabbit (I’d need to wait until my hormones relax anyway), but I would definitely be happy being a spoiled human companion! 

I am also SO handsome. I have Dutch markings with the most gorgeous color fur. I’m so unique looking to match my unique personality! 

Right now I’m living in an exercise pen setup. That same setup could work for me, but I’d also love the option to be free roam too. No cage for me, please. I’m doing great with my litterbox and would love to have the same setup in my “forever home.”

We’re looking for the right home for me with someone who will adore my amazing personality and will be my person for the rest of my life. Please email for more information about me! Thanks! -Oats


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