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Kitten Fiona   

In shelter Cat

Seal Beach, Orange County, California...
Pet name:
Kitten Fiona
Domestic Short Hair, Mixed
Brown Tabby
Coat length:
Hi, I’m Fiona.  My three littermates and I were born in a backyard shed to a feral Mama.  Mama left with two of us and didn’t come back for me and my brother, Fineas.  We were lucky to be found and rescued by a friend of an SBACC volunteer. We were just three weeks old, dirty, and full of fleas.  Fineas and I went to a foster home together where we were all cleaned up and nursed back to health.  My foster Mom says I’m a sweetie.  I don’t mind being held,  but I need to be really tired to stay still and hang around.  I like to get scratches under my chin and when I’m super relaxed I will allow a tummy rub!  I purr easily but not as loud as Fineas.  We are both playful, fun, and well-behaved kittens who love each other and always sleep cuddled up together.  We look like twins and are now ready for our forever home and hope to go together.  I’m the one in front in the pics of both of us.

We recently learned that Fiona and Fineas both have mild cases of CH, Cerebellar Hypoplasia, sometimes called “wobbly cat syndrome”, causing them to be a little unsteady on their feet. The condition is harmless, will not get worse, and is not contagious in any way. They will live normal lives and need no special care apart from maybe having lower-sided litter boxes, and not allowing easy access to very high places.



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