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In shelter Dog

Buffalo, Minnesota, 55313
Pet name:
Doberman Pinscher
Brown, Chocolate with Tan
Boston is a 3-4 year old Doberman who is a sweet guy! Boston loves to play with most dogs and loves the company of humans, but he is also know to be a bit bossy, so an experienced Doberman owner would be best suited for this boy. Most of the time Boston is a happy, bouncy, red Doberman male. He was picked up as a stray in Texas prior to coming into rescue so not much is known about his past. He does get a bit anxious about some things that bother him and can become possessive about high value things, such as bones and soft comfy beds. He has had some basic obedience training with his foster home in Texas prior to coming to Minnesota. Boston is just a bundle of joy, always happy and excited to meet new people. He is a great car rider and would love to go out and about with his human!! Bostons current and very Doberman experienced foster, goes to the dog park daily. Boston does great with all the other dogs and people he meets. Boston is fully vetted, neutered and chipped. The only thing this boy needs is a forever home!! Please apply if you have Doberman experience and are interested in a loyal, loving companion that will be by your side for his forever!


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