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Iggy, Bumble & Alfie   

In shelter Cat

Philadelphia, Houston County, Alabama...
Pet name:
Iggy, Bumble & Alfie
Domestic Medium Hair
Gray, White
Thank you for your interest in adopting or fostering. Rescuing one cat won't change the world, but it will change the world for that cat. 

Meet Ignatius, Bumble and Alfie!

Ignatius "Iggy": Female, Long-haired, Playful, Distractible (3.0lbs)

Bumble: Female, Short-Haired, Relaxed, Gentle, Smart (2.8lbs)

Alfie: Male, Short-Haired, Affectionate, Dopey (2.6lbs)


All of the kittens are interested in their foster brother who has tried to stay away from them.  Alfie is very persistent and has been successful at a short cuddle or a few licks from George. All of the kittens are close and would do nicely in a pair or with an older cat. Bumble is the most independent and does not need constant attention whereas Iggy and Alfie cry frequently for attention throughout the day. 


Grey kitten has been accounted for.

If you want to meet this sweet cat, please submit an 

 on our website: .  All our cats are up-to-date on vaccines, housebroken and ready to go home.

And if you can't adopt but would like to help, fostering is always an option! Fostering one (or more) of our other irresistibly cute feline companions makes space available to save more lives.

You can also schedule a play date and meet 12 of our affectionate rescues by visiting Le Cat Cafe at 

2713 W. Girard Ave

. Schedule a visit today!



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