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Pet name:
Domestic Short Hair
Calm resilient cuddlebug! Spock has had his share of health challenges, but he hasn't let that stop him from getting and giving his share of cuddles! He's a friendly, quiet, calm dude who absolutely loves pets and belly rubs! Spock lost one eye and doesn't see well from the remaining eye, so sudden movements startle him. He needs to start out in a small space - perhaps a walk-in closet or a spare bathroom - so he can easily find his food, water, and litter box. Blind and nearly-blind cats can and do learn to find their way around a home, and do well as long as their people don't move stuff around very often. Some take longer than others to feel comfortable about finding their way around, so patience is key. Spock does sometimes need eyedrops for his remaining eye, so his person would need to be comfortable doing that. It's actually quite easy. Spock hasn't yet interacted with his foster's own cats, so we don't know what he thinks of other cats. He did encounter their dog, and quickly made it clear that he doesn't like dogs. We haven't seen him with kids, but given his condition and his discomfort with fast movements, we think he would do best with adults and older teens. Spock has tested positive for Feline Leukemia. FeLV is not a type of cancer. It's a virus that causes a weaker immune system and often a shorter life-span. For the most part, 'FeLVies' are just like any other cat. APA! waives the adoption fees of these cats, and provides FeLV-related treatment and support post-adoption. Spock can only live with other FeLV+ cats, but dogs and other animals are just fine! Any questions? We'd love to talk with you about FeLV care. OK, so now that we've covered his few challenges, let's end with the GOOD STUFF!! If you're looking for a calm, quiet, loyal cat who would happily spend his days in your lap or lolling around next to you on the sofa cuddling, Spock might just be the one for you! Contact us today to arrange a meet-and-greet! All APA! cats are fully vetted, spayed or neutered, and have updated vaccines and a microchip. Lifetime support is offered by our Cat Behavior Team. For further information or to meet Spock, please email


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