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In shelter Dog

Cottageville, West Virginia, 25239
Pet name:
Labrador Retriever
Brown, Chocolate with White
Coat length:
VOLUNTEERS :  ARF needs transport drivers who can do legs between WV and New England!
Driver Application:
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Choco was an owner surrender. He was never off the farm so being at the animal shelter was very scary for him. He's doing much better now and getting used to being around other dogs. He's around 6 years and weighs around 50lbs. 

Message from dog walker:

Look who was brave enough to pose for his picture! Choco much preferred having his belly rubbed and really just wants to be near someone. He has made a lot of progress in the last couple of months but he isn't quite ready for adoption yet, but will soon. If you are looking for a special boy, Choco may be the one to make you a fabulous companion. Choco is one of my favorites!!!!

Choco is making great progress and almost ready for his forever home. His adopter will need to go slow and earn his trust. He seems to like calmer dogs, especially females. He and Gypsy enjoy each other's company! He's easy to walk on a leash, but will sometimes stop and need encouragement, treats to continue. I love this sweet boy and he's enjoying what is probably his first bed at the shelter and deserves to spend the rest of his days on a lap and cushy bed in a home with his forever people.

3/30/2021 Choco was so terrified when he arrived at the shelter and has made so much progress. He is easy to walk on a leash, handsome, loving, and would make someone a wonderful companion! He gets along well with other females on our walks but as usual, you need to do a meet and greet if he is to have a fur sibling!
Jackson County Animal Shelter 86 County Farm Rd, Cottageville, WV 25239 Google map to our location:​ Facebook: 
Shelter Hours:   Mon-Fri 11-4 or by appointment  Sat/Sun Closed

Adoption Application:   Rescue Application: 

For rescue or long distance adoption inquiries, please use this form to contact us: 
Phone (for local calls only): 304-372-6064
 Rescues and long-distance adopters: We are rescue friendly and PA-licensed! Saturday transport is available to northeastern states on a regular basis thanks to the assistance of our local rescue partner, Animal Rights Fur-Ever.


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