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Theo - T Litter   

In shelter Dog

Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Un...
Pet name:
Theo - T Litter
Labrador Retriever, Mixed
Meet Theo. Theo is estimated around seven months old. Theo has received his vaccines and is neutered and microchip. We are not sure what this boys life was like prior to coming to us. But Theo is currently waiting for hip replacement surgery. We have a consult July 23 with the surgeon and we will know more after that. So we are currently looking for a family who would like to foster to adopt Theo. This means the family would be wanting to adopt him but foster him through his surgery and recovery until he is able to be adopted. This gives Theo a chance to bond with his new family well they help him through surgery and recovery, and the rescue continues to pay for it all. Theo is a very sweet boy who does well with other dogs and kids, but not so great with cats. If you’re interested in fostering to adopt see you please fill out an adoption application.All animal breeds and ages are a best estimate


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