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Chip (bonded to Sandy)   

In shelter Rabbit

Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, U...
Pet name:
Chip (bonded to Sandy)
Say hello to Sir Chip and Miss Sandra D (Sandy)! These two are newlyweds (neutered and spayed, of course) and they love each other endlessly. Their love is like having, "You're the One That I want," on reply continuously on repeat, while munching on some lettuce and having a crazy hay party (courtesy of Sir Chip)!

Chip is a very energetic boy, who is very social, playful, and over all very chippy; crawling into your heart is one of his specialties. He has lots of energy, so he and his lady would be best for a home with open space for him to do his big erratic binkies! He's also got the cutest little hairdo with his lionhead genes, and a beautiful harlequin coat!

His lady on the other hand, little Sandy, with her gorgeous golden fur (matching with her Mr) is a little lop who can have a bit of a temper at times! She is definitely more on the reserved side, and a bit more shy, though with some patience and time she will surely warm up and open her wild heart to you! Doing lots of sploots, flops, and bunny loafs are some of her favorite things to do, besides dining on her hay! She also tends to copy her husbun, so if he will do it, so shall she.

Sandy was brought into foster care as a tiny little baby, and has been with us basically her whole life; she is a little more than a year old. Chip was rescued last fall, and we think he's also about a year old. They can be a little messy, they're wonderful at decorating, but have amazing litter box skills as well!

These two have been through a lot in their short lives, and are very hoppy to announce that they are available for adoption, and ready to find their happily-ever-after home. Could it be yours?


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