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In shelter Dog

Riverwoods, Lake County, Illinois, Un...
Pet name:
Mastiff, Pit Bull Terrier
Nine year old Farley is the best and most perfect snuggler we know - he will lay on your lap for hours if you let him, and will snore like a freight train once he's fast asleep. He is looking for a home with a person to snuggle. Even though he has short hair, Farley absolutely loves to be brushed and will often be soothed to sleep while you do so. Farley has 3 fused vertebrae and some joint issues that affect his mobility and balance and he takes daily medicine to make life easier and more comfortable for him. He loves his daily walks but will need to go to a home that has no stairs, as stairs are a challenge for him due to his fused vertebrae. On a normal day, Farley will wake up and wait eagerly at the door for his morning walk. Farley has been working on his potty training and has certainly come a long way - he is now 90% potty trained and getting better every day. After his walk, he comes inside and sits patiently, waiting for his medicine to be mixed into his favorite can of Caesar's. After scarfing down his meds, he goes straight for his bowl of dry food. His after-breakfast routine consists of sleeping on his favorite toy, Mr.Caterpillar, playing with Mr.Caterpillar, and begging those who walk by him for treats. He especially appreciates all the belly rubs and behind the ear scratches he can get from those around him. Once it reaches 5 PM, he takes his evening medicine, eats his dinner, and settles in for the night, dreaming of the perfect home that he just knows is out there waiting for him. Farley came to us lost and alone in March 2020 and would love to find a home and a family who promises to be his snuggle place forever. Although is he a gentle soul, he needs a home with no small kids or other animals - it's just that he can get spooked when someone comes up on him fast and can lose balance and slip or fall around others. Do you know anyone looking for a gentle and loving companion? He is wonderful. His meds cost about $120/month and the first six months will be sponsored by Susies Senior Dogs, a non-profit that promotes Senior Dogs, like Farley, and helps them find homes.


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