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In shelter Cat

O'Fallon, City of Saint Louis, Missou...
Pet name:
Brown Tabby
Coat length:
Hi, I'm Parker, and I'm looking for a forever home to call my own!  I was living outside since I was a kitten, but then one day I found myself trapped in a cage.  I was pretty scared, but the nice humans told me I was going to be neutered and returned back to where I was living.  I didn't know what that meant, but then I took a nice long nap and when I woke up, I found out that they couldn't return me because I tested positive for something called "FIV".  I didn't know what that meant either, but they sent me to live with a very nice lady for a while.  She took very good care of me and helped me feel more safe and secure around people, which was nice because I had never really been around them before.  She told me that FIV is not a big deal and as long as I stay inside, eat good food, and go to the doctor every year for a check-up, I should live a long and healthy life.  I sure was glad to hear that! She also said that I can't give it to any other kitties unless I bite them really hard, but because I'm so easy-going and friendly, that shouldn't be an issue.  

Since I've been living with my current foster mommy, I've made myself right at home and I'm not so scared and shy anymore.  I really like helping her with her chores and she says I'm an excellent supervisor.  I figured out that getting petted and cuddled is the best thing ever, and boy do I love tummy rubs!  I sometimes get scared by loud sounds and sudden movements, but once I realize the coast is clear, then I'm back to my normal happy and snuggly self.  I'm really sweet and gentle, I'm just a little timid and shy sometimes but foster mom said that's okay; some people don't mind that and will be willing to overlook it because I'm just so sweet and adorable.  I LOVE other kitties and want them all to be my friend.  I also like to play with toys and recently, I discovered catnip... boy, I sure do like that stuff!  I have really soft, sleek fur and foster mom tells me all of the time how handsome I am (I tend to agree with her).  I would love to find humans that won't mind that I'm a little shy, and will give me time to settle in to a new home.  I would also really like to live with other kitties because they help me feel more relaxed and comfortable.  The smaller humans sometimes scare me so I would prefer a home without them.  However, if you take a chance on me, I promise I will be your loyal and loving companion and a very good boy for the rest of my life! 

PS:  Foster mom wanted me to tell you that I'm neutered, microchipped and current on vaccinations, and my DOB is 4/11/16 (tag # 11259JB).


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