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Renegade - Socially Imperfect Resident   

In shelter Dog

Richmond, MO, 64085
Pet name:
Renegade - Socially Imperfect Resident
Australian Cattle Dog / Blue Heeler
Red / Chestnut / Orange
Renegade came to us in 2015 as a 4-6 month old pup. She was on the urgent list at the Kansas City shelter: "***Rescue Only - Pup was brought to the shelter by animal control. It appears that she has had no previous human socialization and is very defensive when staff attempts to interact with her." Most ferals you work with will shut down, and curl up, and not really think about biting the thing scaring them. Renegade was different (hence her name). She will defend herself and will try to scare strangers away before they ever get near her. She eventually bonded to us and we could handle her and pet her and shed curl up in a ball and allow the touching without defending herself. Shed wag her tail for us, and get excited to see us but then if you reached for her shed run to her safe spot (an open wire crate) and curl up. With time, patience, and consistency she will now just cower down for petting, not run away. She WANTS the petting. Shes so happy with us, dances around wagging her tail, gives us little kisses, loves treats, but when you reach for her shell cower down and wait for the petting. The feral dog in her. With strangers, she acts like shes a guard dog and tries to scare them away...but with treats, time, and love shell warm up to you. Renegade loves it here, shes safe here, but if a skilled, special person was interested in her...she is available for adoption. In the wrong home Renegade would bite someone. So we will be thorough in our screening of potential homes. Because of her trust/fear issues the potential adopter would need to come to our property to meet her 2-3 times a week for 3-6 weeks in a row to build a bond with her. Socially Imperfect...but still worth it. Renegade is a happy dog, who loves life, loves to play with other dogs, and deserves to live. Shes a perfect example of why we do what we do. Just because shes not a normal dog doesnt mean she doesnt deserve to live. Check out this video of her playing: Renegade doesnt have a sponsor. Want to help provide toys, treats, and routine medical care for her? Become her sponsor! $50 a month is all we need to help provide for her. At Autumn Acres Animal Rescue we believe each individual animal matters. We take in special cases some of which will stay with us as a sanctuary dog.If the animal is listed as a Socially Imperfect Dog this means they have special needs and special requirements for potential adopters.If the animal is listed as a Socially Imperfect RESIDENT this animal is NOT available for adoption and is one of our sanctuary residents. We list them on our sites because they still matter and they still need donations to help with their long term care.Check out our website for more information:


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