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Vieja Candy Cane   

In shelter Dog

Randolph, MA, 02368
Pet name:
Vieja Candy Cane
This girl…. Where do I start? The moment I saw her on the hill at the shelter caged I knew her life wasnt going to end there. 14 years old and surrendered by your family with your 3 dog siblings. Her whole world turned upset down. Candy Cane was so fortunate to fly via private plane to find a family to welcome her the rest of her life.
Candy Cane is 14 years, 45 pounds, spayed, vaccinated and just had recent bloodwork that came back perfect.
This dog is a dream. She is housetrained, loving, enjoys her meals, frolics in the backyard, loves other dogs and doesn’t mind cats. You don’t even know she is around, she is so grateful to be in a home and constantly comes up to you for pets and gives her paw.
Candy Cane is being fostered in Randolph MA
Our application can be found on our website on the available dogs page.
Please check spam for responses as our email has been funky for quite some time.
This girl deserves the best home for the rest of her life.
Thank you!


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