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In shelter Cat

Montreal, QC, H4P 1X4
Pet name:
Domestic Medium Hair
Disponible pour adoption humanitaire(senior et suivis mdicaux)

Allyson est une belle chatte de 13 ans. Son pelage noir est embelli par de belles mitaines blanches aux pattes et surtout, ses irrsistibles longues moustaches blanches. Elle a mme des pouces, qui la rendent encore plus mignonne!

Allyson a besoin dun environnement calme et sans enfants. La famille devra respecter les limites dAllyson et aller son rythme. Dans sa famille daccueil, elle a mis plus dun mois sortir de sa cachette le jour. Allyson est moins craintive et plus active en soire. Si vous lui permettez de monter sur le lit, elle viendra vous y rejoindre en soire pour se faire flatter. En plus dtre attachante et tranquille, Allyson ronronne beaucoup, est trs affectueuse, mange bien et elle utilise sa litire sans problme.


Available for humanitarian adoption (senior and vet follow-ups)

Allyson is a beautiful 13 year old female cat. Her black coat is embellished by beautiful white mittens on her paws and especially her irresistible long white whiskers. She even has thumbs, which make her even cuter!

Allyson needs a calm environment without children, Allyson needs a calm, child-free environment. The family will need to respect Allysons boundaries and go at her pace. In her foster home, it took her over a month to come out of hiding during the day. Allyson is less fearful and more active in the evening. If you allow her to climb on the bed, she will join you there in the evening to be petted. In addition to being endearing and quiet, Allyson purrs a lot, is very affectionate, eats well and uses her litter box without any problems.


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