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In shelter Cat

Grand Rapids, MI, 49514
Pet name:
Domestic Short Hair
Tabby (Brown / Chocolate)
Coat length:
Hannah is approximately 6 years old.  She may be a little shy when you first meet her but it won’t too take long before she will warm up and start cuddling next to you while you’re watching TV or reading a favorite book.  

She is a big time cuddler.   Shes so cute that her foster mom cant help but pick her up to snuggle and while Hannah doesnt stay for a long time like that, she nuzzles her foster moms nose with her face which is so, so sweet.    When shes laying next to you, if she isnt right next to you as close as she can get, she will at least reach out touch you with her paw or foot. 

As you may be able to tell from the photos, she is a little chubby and could benefit from a weight loss and exercise program.  Hopefully her new family will be able to encourage her to play more with a laser light or wand toy possibly.  She enjoys being a couch potato especially since that means sitting next to her favorite people cuddling.  She also has a deep purr (like a diesel engine per her foster mom) and she loves belly rubs! 

Her pictures may give you the impression that shes a little ornery but thats the farthest things from the truth.  They simply dont do her justice to show off her sweet personality.

She lived with another cat previously and did just fine but it seems like she will blossom as an only cat who doesnt have to share her people with anyone else and gets to keep all the love for herself.  She has never lived with dogs or with young children so it’s probably best to have a home without either of those.   

Her former human companion had to move into a care facility and wasn’t able to take her with her.  Fortunately Hannah is a resilient girl and has a lot of love to share with a new family.  Can you be that new family for her? 

Hannah is the perfect companion animal for just about anyone!


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