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In shelter Dog

Portland , OR, 97236
Pet name:
French Bulldog
Merle (Red)
Cinna was part of the recent Modesto, California animal cruelty case. Over 125+ dogs and puppies were taken out of a backyard breeder/butchers hands and into the Stanislaus shelter. The stories and things these dogs have experienced is no pretty. However, that is their past and all of the dogs that Lilys Pad Rescue took in from that case are THRIVING. Do they need work on house training...of course. Might they resource guard their food...highly likely. Have they all adjusted phenomenally....YES!!!! Please consider mama Cinna and her unusual genetic breed pairing...who knows what that guy was trying to do?!?!?!

What is your name? Cinna

How old are you? The vet estimates me at 2

How is your health? I’m a young healthy little lady

What do you look like? I look like a mix.  I have a merle, white and rust coat.  I’m told I am the perfect size dog.  I’m not small like a toy poodle and I am not big like a Labrador.  I’m about the same size as a cocker spaniel with longer legs.

What do you like to eat? Snacks?  I will eat anything and everything.  I have developed a taste for bananas.  I have been eating kibble (Orijen)

What kind of personality do you have?  I’m curious about the world.  I love being out and exploring. I love people and want to be in on all the activity around me.   I have an outgoing personality.  My foster family and everyone I have met talks about how sweet I am.

Describe your perfect day: My perfect day would consist of breakfast and then a nap, preferably close to my people.  After that I might like a walk.  I am used to being fed two meals a day, so of course dinner and then an evening of sitting next you absorbing all the love you will give me.  I am an in-your-face kind of girl, so if you sit down (go to the bathroom) or bend down, I will be in your face looking for the chance to give you a kiss.

What is your favorite toy? I haven’t had much experience with toys, but I am a hard chewer, so I would like things I could chew on and not destroy.  I love squeaky toys, but I also “kill” them.  

Do you know any tricks? No.  I’m just learning basic manners.  I have learned the meaning of the words “off” and “stay”, but do not always remember what they mean.  I have gotten better at knowing my foster people are leaving and when they say stay, I don’t dart for the door.

Is there anything that scares you? Not that I know of.

Have you been around children? Do you like them? No, but I think I would like them if they were old enough I couldn’t knock them over.

Do you like cats? I am not cat tested.

How do you feel about other dogs? In my foster home, I have lived with a plethora of other dogs, and we get along okay if I stay out of their food.  I must be fed separately so everyone else can eat.

If you could be anywhere in the world, where would it be? In a home where I am loved.

Who do you live with in your foster home (kids, dogs, etc) and who is your closest companion?  I live with two hoomans, two other foster dogs and seven resident dogs.  My closest companion is one of the people.  

Where do you hang out when you are home alone? I hang out in one of the dog beds.

Where do you sleep? I sleep in a dog bed in the hallway so I can keep up with what is going on.  I can keep an eye on my puppies and not miss anything.

Do you like walking on a leash? I’m learning.  I would need some further training, but I do okay.

Do you have any "not-so-great" habits that we should know about? For instance, do you bark or dig in the yard? I have learned that I have a voice.  I’m getting better when told “No barking” about being quiet again.  I am known to chew up toys (I love to de-squeak them) and my foster family thinks I may have chewed on some appliance cords, but I’m claiming the fifth.  

?What’s your potty situation? I was never housebroken in my former place of residence.  I am getting better and better all the time and having fewer "accidents." 

Do you like water? I’m not sure, but my foster mom thinks that if I was introduced properly, I would be a water fiend.

What do you love about your foster family? They love on me.  I get regular meals of good food and they have a fenced yard I can roam around in.  I follow them everywhere and they let me, however I do not understand why they are always telling me to move.

What was your life like before being brought into Lily’s Pad Rescue? We won’t talk about that.  Where I lived was not a nice place and my foster family is always telling me I am such a good girl considering the things I have seen.  

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