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In shelter Dog

Dacula, GA, 30019
Pet name:
German Shepherd Dog
Tricolor (Brown, Black, & White)
This beautiful five-year-old intact female came to us through heartbreaking circumstances. Laila was shot at what appears to be pointblank range. The bullet grazed her cheek and went into her shoulder, breaking the humerus.

Adding to this tragedy is her owners situation. Laila has been his dog for two years, and during that time they have been homeless. Her owner is a relapsed addict who loves his dog very much. The two were squatting in an abandoned house, being used as a drug den, when Laila was shot by another user who was also in the house.

At the veterinary hospital, her owner and his family (his sister, her young son, and her mother who has Alzheimers) agonized for hours about what to do. Ultimately, he made the hard decision to give Laila over to rescue. Even though his loyal companion is credited with saving his life, he loved her enough to give her up so that she can receive the care she needs.

The night he said goodbye to his precious Laila, there was not a dry eye in the hospital. The two clearly love each other, and Laila didnt understand why her human was sad and leaving her behind. She cried and barked and strained to follow him, wanting desperately to be by his side as he walked away.

A good Samaritan at the emergency vet hospital heard and saw the heartbreak unfolding that evening, and she donated a generous amount to help cover the cost of Lailas surgery. The surgeon was able to put plates in the leg to try to save it, but only time will tell the ultimate outcome. Laila needs a safe, quiet, loving home in which to recover and rehabilitate.

Its at times like these that the cruelty of some humans can be eclipsed by the kindness and care of others. Laila and her family have been through so much, she deserves another chance at a healthy life, in a safe home filled with love. She will return that love many times over, as the hospital staff have seen in the time shes been there. While Laila went to a foster home for a week, her foster mom was unable to care for her properly and she is now back at the hospital. Laila needs someone home the majority of the time, she is a VERY sweet dog who just wants to be near someone. This is a dog that was likely never left alone a moment in her life, so everything is now an adjustment but she is doing fantastic!! There is NO stopping her now, she is ready for a new ife and new adventures. 

The idea home: someone around most of the day, no steps or very few ( she can traverse steps but it is better for her to not have them), no small kids and no other dogs ( we have not yet been able to dog test her). 

At CPR, we hope that you can find it in your heart to donate to Lailas care and recovery, or to foster or adopt her. Shes a gentle, loyal girl whos experienced pain and fear at the hands of a cruel and careless person. Everyone involved in this heartrending situation needs a happy ending! No donation is too small.

Visit to donate to help Laila recover from her injuries.

To apply to foster or adopt, visit We are located near Atlanta GA.


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