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In shelter Dog

Peyton, CO, 80831
Pet name:
Klee Kai
My name is Juneau, like that place in Alaska. I guess they named me that because I am an Alaskan Klee Kai. That means I look kinda like a husky but Im smaller and I only weigh 18 pounds. I am a mature lady at seven, and really, very pretty if I do say so myself. Ive heard people say that I could stand to lose a few pounds, but I say Im just fluffy. I do like to eat, especially when some of the yummy, canned food or chicken is added to my kibble. I also love those really, soft blankets, and small cozy places to relax.

I do prefer to take my time when meeting new people. You see, I am a shy, quiet girl. I find new things and people can be nerve wracking. Sudden movements and noises can be scary to someone like me who doesnt like new situations. In fact, I would be happiest in a calm, quiet, home with a family who will let me get comfortable at my own pace and without any of those scary little young people who can be fast and loud, which Im not used to. I dont know how to walk on a leash yet, so while I am learning, I need a secure yard with a 4-foot fence to keep me safe. I can run super fast if I am frightened.

I do like to go outside and visit with my doggy friends. I depend on them for confidence, and when I see them get excited about seeing humans, I start to act a little excited, too - progress! Because of all this, it is very important for me to have canine brothers or sisters in my adopted family to help me feel more confident. While I love being around other dogs, dont expect me to be wild and crazy with them. I am a more sedate lady with too much class to play rough. So, if you would like to meet me, and see what a special lady I am, then fill out an application and come and visit me. 

If you would like to meet this beautiful girl, please submit an application to adopt Juneau, visit

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Prior to being rescued, many of our dogs have experienced minimal socialization. As a result, there is often an adjustment period when learning about life as a family pet. We typically do not adopt to homes with young children. Homes with older children will be considered on an individual basis. Common skills such as house training and leash walking will often take a little extra time. Patience, understanding and a gentle hand are a must. Many of our dogs will need fenced yards and a confident dog in the family. The great news is, most of these dogs come around rather quickly and being a part of their rehabilitation is an extremely rewarding experience. Learn about mill dogs and fill out an application at our website:


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