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In shelter Dog

Calgary, AB, T2Y 5E9
Pet name:
Pit Bull Terrier
Age: 3 years
Sex: Intact female (Spaying will be covered by BARC’s)
Estimated Breed: Bully X
Weight: 60 lbs
Good with dogs?: Yes, she loves to play with other dogs and is very active. If you have an active dog like we do keep in mind they wont stop playing. She may prefer males over females.
Good with cats?: Needs improvement - She does not seem aggressive and is more intrigued by them. She will give chase if they run but only to play. She has yet to disturb a sleeping cat, takes a sniff and walks away. I would still keep an eye on her as she has returned a hiss with a growl.
Good with children?: Yes. We have children 3 years and up and she is great. She does not know her strength when she is excited and can push into the kids or jump on them. However she loves to be loved and if the adults are busy will often go over to the children to lick and kiss them to get their affection.
Special/Medical Needs: No
Energy Level: Medium on her own, high with other dogs.
House trained?: Yes, zero accidents
Crate trained?: Getting there. She does need time and gentle coaxing, but once she’s in she sleeps all night.

Adoption Fee: $650
Foster Home Location: Airdrie

Robin is a sweet, lovely dog, who loves to be loved and is a softie. She has no ounce of food aggression in her, to the point my dog can take food out of her mouth, and she doesn’t care. She loves to walk, is house trained and is good with her crate. She is a great work companion, as she loves to sleep next to my feet while I work from home. I have tested her as much as possible to see what makes her react but have not found a flaw in her temperament with humans and other dogs.

Things to work on - She really likes food and will steal food from the kids’ hands, or even our hands if we are not quick enough. She does like to chew when she is bored occasionally and has caused some minor damage to a corner of a wall and an ethernet cable, however this is fixable with training.

Robin is a great family dog, I wish I could keep her but my dog needs more training one on one first before I take in another dog of the same energy. She truly is a dog that just wants to be given love and wants to please you. You couldn’t ask for a better dog to find as she is trainable, lovable, friendly and is hard to find aggression from.

Our rescue is called BARCS. We are a registered Charity.
Our Website is All our animals are posted on the website and updated often. If you would like to proceed we need an adoption application to be filled out. They can be found on our website. Once we receive your application, we will contact you to arrange a meeting with the pup you are interested in.
We look forward to hearing from you.


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