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In shelter Dog

Calgary, AB, T2Y 5E9
Pet name:
Pit Bull Terrier
Estimated Age: 2.5 years
Sex: Spayed Femail
Estimated Breed: PBTx
Weight: 50 lbs
Good with dogs? Yes, with proper slow introduction
Good with cats? No
Good with children?
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: High
Minimum Adoption Fee: $650
Current Location: Okotoks, AB

Hello, my name is River, and I am around two and a half years old. If youre looking for an extremely cuddly and affectionate dog, we will get along great! I will always greet you at the door with a smile or a toy and love a good welcome home scratch on the bum!

Whatever you are doing, I want in. Whether its a car ride, a walk or just laying on the couch. I also get very excited when I see small animals (rabbits, squirrels, cats, etc.) and would love very much to chase after them.

I like other dogs but if they move to quickly when we meet or get very excited, I can get scared and think I must protect myself.

I love to explore and chase after balls though I may not bring them back every time. I can sit, lay down and stay when asked, especially when treats are available, and I am fully house-trained.

I am looking for someone to show me love, give me walks and let me cuddle. I cant wait to meet you!

If you want to consider this dog, please fill out an application.


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