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In shelter Dog

Glendale, AZ, 85307
Pet name:
Pit Bull Terrier
Please check our website for availability.  All animals on our website,, are currently available.

Our adoption process
Step 1: Come down to the shelter and personally check out our pets.
Step 2: Please fill out an application.  (We do not use an online application) 
Step 3: Interview with adoption counselor. 
Step 4: If you’re the right match, you may be able to meet the animal today, or set up an appointment to meet the animal when we have more time available to ensure it’s the right match. 
Step 5: Depending on your home and readiness, you may be able to take an animal home today.

A little bit about me … 

I was brought here to the shelter when I was found wandering the streets, and boy, did I find the best place to help me find my forever home.  I am a very sweet girl who has tons of energy and the desire to burn it anyway I can.  A home that is active, busy, and social would be ideal for me, as I am a girl on the go.  Mental exercise is just as important as physical, so fun mind games would be a great way to burn some energy. I am still working on my social skills with other furry friends, so I will need someone who will continue working with me so I can become a more well-rounded pup.  As with most dogs, obedience training will be a great too to ensure that I am a well-mannered, polite girl that can go into any situation with confidence and a smile.  So, all you runners, hikers, and pittie lovers, come on down and meet me, the adorable Cordelia!

Restricted Breed - Must Own Your Home
I need daily physical and mental exercise  
Boundless energy
I need someone dedicated to working with me
I will find trouble if I don’t have outlets for my energy
I am still a puppy and have a lot of learning to do

My Ideal Home Would Include …

A family that understands that I am a young puppy, and accidents will happen. I will need someone with a solid game plan on how to potty train me. I am beyond the stage where potty pads are an option so I need someone to show me when and where I’m expected to go potty.

A confident family who has some large breed/bully breed experience. Pitties are awesome dogs, but if not worked with enough, can become hard to handle. 

A home that understands that just throwing the ball for 5 minutes in the backyard and getting one short morning walk is not enough for me!

*Please note that due to a high volume of interest in some of our animals, we may take multiple applications to ensure everyone gets a chance to apply and be interviewed. We dont do our adoptions on first come first serve basis, we instead focus on matchmaking to ensure the perfect match for both the animal and adopter. We are looking forward to working with you.

Please be advised we only adopt to AZ residents.  We make a commitment to all of our animals.  So while we appreciate your interest, we ask that you be a local resident to adopt.  We do not always know the full background of each animal and sometimes personalities are not fully shown until a few days in the home.  If for whatever reason you cannot keep the animal, we appreciate the animal being returned to our facility.  It is costly and time consuming to return an animal from out of state.  Please check your local animal shelter to find a forever friend near your area.

Our organization offers 24PetWatch microchips, which include free registration into the 24PetWatch pet recovery service. For more information, visit or call 1-866-597-2424.

This pet also is eligible for 30 days of pre-paid Shelter Care pet health insurance. For more information please visit or call 1-866-375-PETS.


All microchips registered with Findpet can be traced internationally through the American Animal Hospital Association’s (AAHA) universal pet microchip lookup, ensuring your pet's safety at home or during travel.