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In shelter Dog

Tucson, AZ, 85745
Pet name:
Pit Bull Terrier
If your life hasnt been the same since Gilmore Girls ended, we may be able to help fill the void. Meet Lorelai. Thats right, your very own Lorelai! And much like Lorelai of the Gilmore Girls, our gal Lorelai found herself pregnant at a very young age. She did a great job finding a safe place to hunker down, give birth and raise her puppies up, but now her puppies have left the nest (much like Rory) and Lorelai is ready to get on living her life. In PACC playgroup, Lorelai was tolerant of the other dogs greeting her and mostly did her own thing. We think everyone should meet a new roommate before moving in, so wed like for Lorelai to meet any resident dogs before leaving the shelter (I mean, what if they hate Gilmore Girls? That just wont work.) Lorelai seems new to walking on a leash, so shed love it if her new people would work with her on that. Shes a very smart girl and would also be open to learning some other tricks and skills. This Lorelai might not have her namesakes ability for never-ending quips, but shes certainly got her big heart and loving personality. If youre ready to take home your very own piece of Stars Hollow, ask to meet Lorelai today.


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