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NALAH (bonded with Tofu)   

In shelter Dog

Dunn Loring, VA, 22027
Pet name:
NALAH (bonded with Tofu)
Rhodesian Ridgeback
NALAH IS SUPER-CHILL, and loves her brother, Tofu.

This 5-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback (April 2017) is great with kids and other animals (except bunnies). Bunnies are her kryptonite and activate her prey drive. 

Miss Nalah is crate trained, and knows more than a few commands like sit, stay, lay down, heel, place, and is also great on walks! She prefers human comforts like the couch over her own bed but listens and follows boundaries well.  Nalah is very independent, and is also loving. She asks for attention when she wants it. 

This girl is food/treat driven, but not aggressive about it.
She eats a dental treat first thing in the morning, followed by breakfast no later than 8:30AM, and finishes her day with dinner no later than 8PM (followed by playtime with her brother before turning into a lazy mess for the rest of the evening).

Areas for improvement include jumping and thumping with her nose whenever she greets someone at the door. Or if a trash can is left open, she might show interest in digging through its contents. 

She enjoys chew toys, but destroys them very quickly.

Both Nalah & Tofu are accustomed to be very integrated members of the family, and are seeking a new family who will embrace & cherish them in the same way.

Pups are located in Houston, TX, and are available for transport to your state. Please complete an application to see if you are a match!


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