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Please note donations using the SPONSOR ME tab will not go to Fluffy Dog Rescue. To Locate Our Application go to MY AGE: approx. 2 yrs. WEIGHT: approx. WHERE I AM FROM: AL MY STORY: Blizzard is the BEST! Sweet, calm, great walker and all around honey. Apply and whistle a happy song! Everyone loves Blizzard! ADOPTION FEE: $450 To adopt the FIRST STEP is to complete an APPLICATION. Adopters must be 24 years of age. We can not adopt to families with children under the age of six. We also only adopt in WI, IL, and parts of MN. Most of our dogs are strays, so the breed is our best guess. WI License #270548. Check out Fluffy Dog Wellness on our Home Page. Great Solutions to Enhance Your Pets Health.