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Sweet Pea   

In shelter Dog

Allentown, PA, 18103
Pet name:
Sweet Pea
Tricolor (Brown, Black, & White)
Sweet Pea is a very special girl. You see sweet Pea was found in RGV (Rio Grande Valley) on the border of Mexico, she was going door to door for food and help. When a woman who saw her sweet Pea was dragging her back legs and had huge open sores right down to the bone and nerves. A foster immediately went to pick sweet Pea up and made the 6 hr drive for her.

The woman who saw sweet Pea dragging her legs held her until the foster got to her. The foster immediately rushed her to an ER vet who took one look at her and recommended euthanasia. We said absolutely not. So the foster asked for pain meds and clean bandages for the weekend and on Monday morning took her to a second vet for another opinion. Again the vet stated that her quality of life was poor and recommended euthanasia. Once again we said absolutely not!

The foster finally said Im going to take her to our vet at which time they did a full exam plus x-rays. At that time it was founded that sweet Pea had been shot not once but twice. One bullet lodged in her spine and the other right below her heart. Neither were operatable. We also learned at that point that Sweet Pea was also paralyzed in her back end. The vetbtold us she was shot at a tender age of 4 mos and had been dragging her legs for months. She had them open and that bad from dragging them that it ruined her nerves and all. 

Considering her young age of 7 mos possibly 8 mos at that point the vet felt that she had a great quality of life and had the will to live. She showed that by dragging her body for months. The vet cleaned her leg wounds daily for quite some time and then every 3 days. The vet felt that because she was still young thst her nerves could grown back together and need and repair around the bullets, but wasnt sure if it would be a good feeling or bad one. 

Fast forward to about 3 mos later we got Sweet Peas legs healed up to very minimal open sores and bandage changes stopped. One day her foster saw her biting at her legs but thought it was the feeling coming back and feeling weird. Within 24 hrs she had her leg raw again and was trying to chew it off. We immediately took her to the vet where he felt that the feeling she got back wasnt a good one for her and sweet Pea was at risk of injuring herself. So at that time it was recommended and agreed upon to amputate both back legs. 

Sweet Pea can use the bathroom on her own but does wear diapers just in case she would have an accident. Both of her back legs were amputated in March of this year and since then she has been doing great. Sweet Pea has a wheelchair to use but dont like it. Her goiter made her a home made wheel chair as well but she refuses to use either. Sweet Pea has a drag bag she uses in the house and outside just in case she has an accident or so she dont injure herself getting around. She loves her drag bag. That is our muss little independent. 

Sweet Pea also is crate trained and we place pee pads in just in case she has an accident as well. She has to wait to be spayed until she can be cleared. Roughly 9-12 mos after surgery. 

Sweet Pea is looking for a very special home. We will be very picky on where she goes. She will need a family that can handle handicap and special needs dogs. Sweet Pea loves the bath tub and getting a bath. She is also dog friendly but will bark at the cats... 

Anything that was gotten for sweet Pea will go with her when she gets adopted and whatever pee pads are left as well. Sweet Pea is located in Texas with her foster and they are willing to transport sweet Pea to where she would need to go when adopted.


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