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In shelter Cat

Cropseyville, NY, 12052
Pet name:
Coat length:
S-S-Smokin’ Queen Sheba is looking for a special forever-after home. 

Sheba is a pretty 10 year old dilute tortoiseshell who was recently diagnosed with diabetes at her annual vet visit. While we are hoping for someone who already has experience with this disease, TASP is also willing to train someone. Both her shots and the blood level tests are relatively easy tasks, but it is important to have a schedule where you will be able to feed her grain-free food and then administer the shots twice a day, 12 hours apart.

Sheba has adapted very well to her new regimen, and actually initiates it as part of her meal routine now, along with some lovin’ of course. She is eating her new food like a champ and also enjoys a few freeze-dried treats at bedtime.

Now let me tell you a little about her sparkling personality. She is a smart and quirky cat, downright hilarious at times. Unlike many cats who will just give you a blank stare, Sheba actually responds to “no” and “back” commands. She has a snowman bed, but she chooses to sleep on top of it, rather than inside. When she puts her paws up on your leg, it means, she has designated this as your cuddle time. Like most cats, she enjoys sleeping during both the day and night, but also enjoys her playtime. While Sheba does like to chase balls or wrestle with some toys, she also amuses herself with cardboard juice or milk cartons, paper and aluminum foil. She hasn’t yet shared with us who or what these imaginary friends are, but she sure has a great time socializing with them. As a matter of fact, these are the only playmates she desires; she does not want to share even larger common areas with another pet. She loves the attention of humans though, known or new. She really misses having the company of her own human to rub against and purr to, and who could dote on her with some good conversation and pets in return. 

Are you the kind soul this pretty girl is waiting for? If so, please fill out our application


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