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Felix and Whitenose   

In shelter Cat

Los Angeles, CA, 90039
Pet name:
Felix and Whitenose
Gray / Blue / Silver
DOB: 4/22/22
Whitenoses superpower: First in line at feeding time. Whitenose will be absolutely devoted to you. Hes a very vocal lovebug, and will seek you out, greeting you with the loudest purring, and asking for love and cuddles. His beautiful gray and white tuxedo coloring hides a secret-he has faint "shadow tabby" stripes that cant be seen in photos. These may darken as he grows older.
Felixs superpower: she loves being held like a baby. Shes a gorgeous and sleek black kitten, full of love and mischief. Shes a very loving little girl, always ready for a snuggle, head scritch, or a belly rub. She and her sibling Whitenose are a loving bonded pair who are always happy to play, wrestle, and snuggle together.
If you are interested in learning more about these kitties or in adopting them, please click here to email their foster parent.If you are unable to send an email to the foster parent through the link included above, please contact us and let us know what kitty youre interested in. You may also fill out our adoption questionnaire to speed up the screening process. Be sure to name the cat in the CAT PREFERENCE field at the beginning of the questionnaire. If the above links arent live, our contact form and questionnaire are available on our website at our fees and adoption policies and procedures, please click here.


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