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Diesel and Coconut Together Only   

In shelter Dog

San Luis, CO, 81152
Pet name:
Diesel and Coconut Together Only
American Bulldog
White / Cream
Coat length:
Hi everybody my name is Diesel. My best friend is Cocnut.  We would be loved to go home together.  I left an abusive relationship and I’m looking for someone who will admire A sweet, lovable, and aim to please,  type of a guy. I am getting well and will be available for adoption on Saturday, 8/14/21. I have to put on some weight, the Vet said I was anorexic, On the skinny side. but I’m starting to gain weight, yeah ? I would like in my forever home to have people that are active. I also like girls.Boys, my size,  are ok too. I Can  play with dogs, Just not rough, I’m only eight months old.  I don’t Know if I like cats.My hobbies are chewing on elk horns,  eating, and trying to learn how to play ball. So far I know that somebody throws the ball and I run for it and then I chew on it but I don’t know if that’s how you’re supposed to play ball. I’m not perfect and I’m not gonna tell you what I Do wrong, LOL If you think we are a match, text me at 719-588-5560 TTYL

Diesel in our estimate is a perfect dog!!!!


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