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In shelter Dog

Savannah, GA, 31410
Pet name:
Australian Shepherd
Its our pleasure to introduce Kodiak! His foster family likes to call him Kodi, which doesnt bother him any because he is completely deaf AND blind. He cant hear whatever you choose to call him. But before you go feeling sorry for him understand that he can have your house and backyard mapped out in a matter of hours. Do not let his disabilities deter you. His mind is a steal trap. He is working on learning touch commands, and he an eager student. Kodiak is dog friendly, cat curious, mother tested, and kid approved.
Kodiak enjoys walks (the longer the better), tug of war, learning his new commands, playing Marco Polo and getting in some good naps. His foster family has been keeping him uncrated. He seems to do much better being able to freely move about and assess his surroundings. He has not exhibited any resource guarding behavior. He has not been destructive and is generally pretty low maintenance.
Currently, Kodiak is living with two adults, four children ages 10, 7, 5 and 11 months, two dogs, one cat, lots of chickens, and a bird. He gets along with them all. He meets no strangers, human or animal. He is such a little ball of sunshine!
Kodiak would love to live with a family that has a fenced backyard to give him ample time to go potty and provides safety to keep him from wondering off. While he loves walks, he doesnt always use that time to potty, so a backyard is necessary. He loves dog friends. While he does not have to have a dog housemate, his foster family thinks that he would have more fun with a roommate to bond with. If you think your family is the right fit for him, please submit your application online at:


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