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Smudge #3   

In shelter Dog

Killingworth, CT, 06419
Pet name:
Smudge #3
Black Labrador Retriever
Smudge #3 is 3 months old and 38 lbs. He was really tiny when I got him and has grown fast. He was found stray and at a high kill shelter when I got him. He has been an easy foster and was really quiet and calm. That has changed since he gained weight and got a little older. He is a full time play boy now. He would do best with another dog who loves to play and a fenced yard. If you are interested in this sweet guy please fill out an application at

For additional information about Smudge #3 please email Marla Cox at 

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: We receive many questions about our adoption process from potential adopters, most of which can be answered by viewing our "Adopt a Lab" page on our full service website,   To expedite the process, please follow the step-by-step instructions outlined and submit an adoption application listing 3-5 dogs of interest. Please hurry as your new best friend is waiting for you!

ADOPTION FEES: $495 non-refundable adoption fee for all vet expenses (spay/neuter, shots, etc.) and transportation to ensure your lab gets to you in a safe, professional manner. All fees may be paid using PayPal, cashiers checks, or money orders. Labs4rescue does not accept personal checks for adoption fees. All adopters must pay their Labs4rescue adoption fee prior to the rescue shipping their dog.

Residents of Massachusetts or New Hampshire are required to pay an additional $125 fee, which defrays the cost of their states mandatory 48 hour isolation and examination by a licensed veterinarian.


All microchips registered with Findpet can be traced internationally through the American Animal Hospital Association’s (AAHA) universal pet microchip lookup, ensuring your pet's safety at home or during travel.