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Bud Bud   

In shelter Dog

Ocala, FL, 34475
Pet name:
Bud Bud
On 24 hours notice, we were able to pull off a miracle, overnight. As of 4 am, all 16 littles from this home are safe and sound! Thier mom had to make hard choices after being evicted and we are very proud of her for putting the dogs best interest first.

When we got this call, we reached out to the most experienced animal welfare person we know, Jaye Perrett. With her assistance and the blessings of her #halfwayhouse ,we were able to fully intake and secure all 16 dogs, last night.

Names, notes and photos were gathered. Today we will weigh everyone, and start basic medical. Vaccines, dewormer and flea treatments all around. They are all healthy little dogs but they will each require full vetting.

We have them grouped into four "pods" right now. We are seeking fellow rescues, fosters and adoptive families for each precious dog. They are well socialized and aged between 8 months and 4 years. We cannot vouch for their potty training status.

Please say a prayer for thier mom. Her life is very different today and we want to surround her with live and light. She has given them all a ticket to an amazing life by surrendering them to QoL. We will give these kids our best!!

If you can help, please text Aspen at (352)843-6858 or submit a foster application (linked below). All dogs will be fostered until they are vetted (we do have a #fostertoadopt program for anyone wishing to adopt).

Dog foster:


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