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Moe - PNW1   

In shelter Dog

Olympia, WA, 98501
Pet name:
Moe - PNW1
Chocolate Labrador Retriever
Brown / Chocolate
Coat length:
Moe’s a special guy.  His foster says he’s a super sweet kiddo that loves to hang out with his people.  He’s got a disorder called cerebellar hypoplasia.  It probably happened from an early puppy hood trauma or disease.  He’s healthy now but his brain isn’t normal.  When he gets excited or worried, he spins in circles to the left.  Only the left.  He also has trouble with proprioception (i.e. maintaining balance and awareness of his own movement).  Stairs are really hard for him.  He just can’t figure them out. And he never really will figure them out.  He will just try really hard and fall down them.  That means he would do best in a single level house.

Do you hate change?  Are you looking for a reason to hide from change for the next 10-13 years?  Look no further!  This good-looking guy absolutely abhors change.  All he wants is to hang out with you and never have anything change. Like ever. Seriously. Don’t rearrange the furniture. He hates it. Want an excuse to skip the walk around the neighborhood in favor of Netflix and chill? Moe is all about it. He doesn’t want to see your neighbors and their little fluffy dog. He wants to see you, not those losers.

Moe wants to live in a home with no other pets.  He wants to be the only critter in your life. I mean it. He can’t live with any other animals.  Not dogs, not cats, not ferrets, not hedgehogs, not birds, not horses.  None of them. If you send in an application and tell us that you have a dog, 3 bearded dragons, two cows and a hamster, we’re gonna say no. Even when you tell us that they’re super dog smart and Moses will love them, still no. Because of his condition, Moe does not understand other critters or doggie body language and when confused or stressed he will attack them. It does not matter how friendly your dog is.

Moe loves toys but he doesn’t want you to throw them.  It’s hard for him to find them.  He just likes to always have one in his mouth.  That’s good for you.  You won’t have to wear your rotator cuff out throwing things to keep him happy.

Moe is great in a crate.  He will happily hang out in one while you’re at work or sleeping.


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