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Thank you for supporting Save the Dalmatians and its rescued dogs. Ricky is a special needs dog who is in our Forever Foster home program. For the past 6 years Ricky has been unconditionally loved and cherished by his Forever Foster home. His Foster mom reports that he is THE MOST affectionate dog she has ever known. His big brown eyes that search your soul make it impossible to be upset with him, even at his naughtiest behavior. He loves his older dalmatian sister; although he wishes she would be more responsive to his play requests and give him a good chase. He is uncertain of new people but once he realizes you are a friend and not a foe he will be your best friend forever. Ricky was rescued from a Los Angeles county animal shelter in 2012. He was found as a stray, estimated to be almost 2 years old. He was adopted and in a home for 3 years. That home returned him back to our rescue after Rickys playmate, their female dalmatian passed away. They got another male dalmatian and found that Ricky did not get along with their new dog. Also due to Rickys larger size and love for all toys they decided Ricky was not a good fit to be around their new grandbaby when the baby started crawling. He also had a high prey drive and had mistaken some fluffy stray cats on their property as toys. Ricky was returned to Save the Dalmatians in 2016 with severe ear infections and untreated allergies (requiring costly monthly perscription food), and occassional grand mal seizures. It was also determined that he had untreated Addisons disease, that requires a costly monthly medication/injection. (President Kennedy also had Addisons disease). Due to his health issues, past abuse, behavioral issues (i.e. nervous around kids, no small children, no small animals, gets into everything, needs close supervision, seperation anxiety), and expensive monthly medical bills for the monthly injection to treat the Addisons disease and perscription food for his allergies, Ricky was placed in our Forever Foster program for dogs at-risk and difficult to place. The Foster home provides a loving home for life and the rescue pays for the medical needs of the dog for life. Our goal is to find every dog a permanent forever home through Adoption. However the reality is that on occassion there are beautiful sweet loving dogs, like Ricky, through no fault of their own, are very hard to place and need a very specific home. Through fate these dogs land in the right loving foster homes. Usually they already have other pets, and are active rescue volunteers, capable and willing to open their heart and home forever for these special dogs, but need financial support for their medical needs. We hope you can find it in your heart to help us to continue to rescue and support these dogs, by sponsoring a dog today, through either a one time donation or monthly re-occurring donation. All amounts are needed and much appreciated. Thank you for helping us save dalmatians and other canines. Follow us on Facebook where we first post about our incoming rescued and adopted dogs. Here is the Facebook link that you can copy and paste into your browser. If you can help by making a monetary donation for the continued care of the dogs in our Forever Foster program it would be much appreciated. We accept Paypal using our account. If you prefer to send a monetary donation through the mail please make the check payable to Save the Dalmatians and send it to us at 1061 Georgetown Ave, Turlock CA 95382. We are a 501(c)(3) IRS non-profit charitable organizations, as such your donations qualify as tax deductible. We have no employees 100% of your donation goes toward the cost of rescuing and rehoming dogs. ~ Save the Dalmatians and Others Canine Rescue