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In shelter Dog

Baltimore, MD, 21201
Pet name:
Dogo Argentino
White / Cream
Coat length:
Meet K O A !!

Koa is a 2.5 year old dogo with so much love to give he could burst!
Currently located in the Atlanta, GA area, Koa is looking for a foster that not only wants to be his bestie, but can also remind him that hes not the boss and keep his silly wiggle butt in line.
Koa was surrendered to us by his owner and sadly turned out to be heartworm positive, so Koas foster wont need to be concertned about taking him on hikes and treks across the jungle as Koa will need to stay calm & collect for the up and coming few months. The stress and heartbreak of leaving the only home he ever knew was a lot for Koa and he is not healthy enough to have the heartworm killing injections at this time. so Koa is a very low maintenence medical foster!

Koa has a wonderful temperament and loves humans of all sizes. He has been known to be good with dogs of both sexes, but his foster should have the ability to separate at least for a week or two upon Koas arrival, as he likes to get to know his humans first and then meet his new dog friends. Koa has not been cat tested at this time.

If you think you could be Koas new safe haven, apply to foster! Koa will travel for the right home (:

Dogos are a wonderful breed but we urge anyone interested to dig in and do a lot of research before
deciding if they are a good fit for your home. They require a lot of attention and training with them
never ends! Boundaries must be enforced and they often need reminders as they push past boundaires
you set! Dogos are loving, kind and gentle but dont mistake that for weakness because they are equally
powerful and intense as well! Everyone in the home must be on board with having a dogo and play a
major role in their daily routines and training. Yes it is work, but the rewards are ten-fold! Lazy homes
dont work for dogos as they need stimulation, exercise, and lots of attention too during their younger
years. Our goal in rescue is to be as transparent as we can about each and every dog plus make sure new
families really understand the needs of a dogo!

DCDogos is committed to rescuing Dogos. For more adoptable Dogos, please visit our page:


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