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Planet Cute, the passionately friendly kitten who loves you for your MIND as well as your BODY!   

In shelter Cat

Princeton, NJ, 08540
Pet name:
Planet Cute, the passionately friendly kitten who loves you for your MIND as well as your BODY!
Domestic Long Hair
Planet Cute was born in May 2022 and hes super-soft (that luxurious fur, that plumy puffy tail!) and super-affectionate. Please follow the procedure outlined at the end of this description if interested in a trial adoption of this kitty, who is still in need of a home if you are seeing this. Anyone who follows the procedure is guaranteed to get a prompt reply - promise!

Planet Cute LOVES YOU FOR YOUR BODY. Without your body, he could not sit in your lap, kneading you with his paws, making sure he rubs the entire length of himself along your arm. He couldnt sit on your chest, talking softly to you, laying a confidential long-haired paw on your arm, throwing his back blissfully into your pets when you stroke him down his back. Without your body you could not hold him and rest your chin on his head, and he couldnt tilt his head way back to give you upside-down head-butts when you are holding him in your arms. Without your body you could not enter a room (he always gets up to greet you) and you could not chase him when he naughtily runs as fast as his little legs can go (which is pretty fast, even though theyre SHORT) somewhere you dont want him to go. Without your body he could not give you culinary little "love gnaws" to make sure hes got your attention.

But Planet Cute loves your mind! Without your mind, how could you appreciate his very quiet but somewhat obsessive "running commentary" about his day, his experience, your day, his experience of your day, and all the things he loves to quietly discuss with you (his purr is much louder than his conversation)? If you didnt have a mind, what use would you have for an exciting toy like your PEN, which he loves to play with, or your BOOK (he loves to dive into its pages even more than you do)? Without your mind, how could you know when he really needed you to sit down and let him use your lap, and how could you TAKE CARE OF HIM?

This medium-length-haired, all-black little boy wants someone to take care of him and love him in return. Please consider adopting him. If interested in his coming to your house (or a neutral public meeting place near you, if you prefer) for a trial adoption, please send your answers to the following questions in an email to and, if we think you and he sound like a great match, well ask to exchange references and to arrange a day/time for his transportation to you. Here are the questions:

1. What do you intend to feed Planet Cute? Dry food? If so, what brand? If not, why not? Canned food? If so, what brands and in what ratio of canned to dry food? Raw or homemade food? (If raw, what brands, if applicable, and if not raw, why not?) What kind of water and what brand of litter would you like Planet Cute to have? Thanks!

2. What are your views about neutering/spaying?

3. What are your views on declawing?

4. Would Planet Cute go outside? Would you be full-time indoors?

5. Under what circumstances can you see parting with your kitty? (Dont worry - we are 100% no-kill, and if you at any time no longer want him to live with you for any reason, we want him to come back here so that we can find him a permanent safe home.)

6. Can you say what kind of housing you and he would live in (apartment, rented or owned house, trailer, etc.) and can you mention any other humans or non-humans who would be living there with you and him?

7. It can help us in matchmaking if you could tell us something about yourself - what your job/profession/source of income is, what youre studying and where (if youre a student), what you like to do with your leisure, your interests/lifestyle/hobbies. You could also mention experience(s) you may have had caring for non-humans, either as primary caregiver or volunteer or maybe as a sitter/dog-walker. Thank you so much for your time!

8. {Optional} Lastly, if there is something about Planet Cute in his photos or description that particularly appeals to you, "calls to" or speaks to you, please let us know! Thank you!


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