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Mishu: Courtesy Post   

In shelter Cat

New York, NY, 10003
Pet name:
Mishu: Courtesy Post
Domestic Short Hair
Mishu: the cat, the myth, the LEGEND! Mishu is one smart (oreo) cookie who has learned how to ring a bell for treats! This adorable 9 year old is the life of the party. When visitors come, Mishu greets them with enthusiastic circles between their legs. Hes thrilled to have company!

Some people have said Mishu is more dog than cat (dont worry, hes 110% cat). Hes a social guy who loves playtime, especially when his humans are playing too. He especially enjoys hockey and futbol, and staring at his toys in case one tries to get away.

Mish is a big guy who struts around his home, talking with a booming meow. Hes very agile, especially for age and size. 

Although Mish loves people, hes fine if youre working outside of the home. He can be easily picked up, but hes not super cuddly right now. But hes getting cuddle training in his foster home! You will never feel lonely with Mishu around--hes a big. commanding, friendly presence.

You know you want this cat, so just email already! Contact Susan at to apply.


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