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MY BROTHER IS MY BEST FRIEND! THE BASICS: • DSH, gray • YOUNG ADULT MALE; DOB: September 6, 2021 • ARRIVAL: November 23, 2021; July 26, 2022 • HISTORY: Aristotle formerly known as Pecan was trapped as a stray alongside siblings Gravy, Harvest, Cranberry, and Tater. Aristotle was part of a litter rescued by a local resident, he along with his siblings were brought here November 23, 2021 from a small cat colony. Although the kittens were a little nervous at arrival it didn’t take long for them to enjoy the inside pampered life. Aristotle along with his brother Einstein were adopted February 3, 2022 but sadly returned to CFC when their owner found out she was se- verely allergic to them. This was a decision that she did not want to make, but for her health it had to be done. Aristotle’s best friend is his brother Einstein, they love to play together. Aristotle is more shy than his brother Einstein. He loves to jump to catch hair ties, especially against the wall. He loves looking out windows from a high perch if possible. Aristotle is very curious and loves playing with toys. He is a little less affectionate that his brother Einstein, but once settled he likes petting too. If you are look- ing for a bonded pair, Aristotle and Einstein would make a great addition to your home. We would LOVE for these two to go to the same home.