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Scooby (super affectionate)   

In shelter Cat

Perrysville, OH, 44864
Pet name:
Scooby (super affectionate)
Domestic Short Hair
Black & White / Tuxedo
Scooby (Doo) was born at our rescue and when he was just a few days old his mom refused to nurse he and his brother.  So I took over bottle feeding and raising him.  

What a handsome man and full of mischief he is, as most bottle babies are.  Since bottle babies interact with humans as they are growing up they tend to either see humans as cats or themselves as humans so their usual cat social skills are different than most cats.

Scooby can be quite the handful at times and tends to be a tormenter to other cats which is his way of playing.  He does get along with other cats, though, he just interacts with them in ways the other cats may not appreciate all the time--kind of like that annoying brother or sister.

However, he is also super affectionate and follows you around like a dog.  I call him my "dog cat".

We typically have over 30 adoptable cats at our rescue, more than what we have listed on petfinder.  Please feel free to contact us for more information about Scooby or our other cats.

Please DO NOT contact us to take in any more cats since we do not have any more room to do so.  Thanks.


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