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In shelter Cat

Philadelphia, PA, 19140
Pet name:
Domestic Short Hair

Ziggy and Benji are two inseparable brothers who cant wait to find their fur-ever home! 

Ziggy and Benji ended up at the shelter when their owner was evicted, and they couldnt take their pets with them. The family had two dogs and another cat, too; sadly, the third cat became severely depressed in the shelter and passed away quickly from kidney failure. As Ziggy and Benjis health was worsening too, they were quickly placed in a foster home so they could recuperate and get a second chance at life. Luckily, these two made a quick recovery and are now enjoying their new foster home! 

Ziggy (the white and gray/brown cat) is a neutered male, estimated to be between 4 and 7 years old. Benji (the black and white cat) is a neutered male, estimated to be around 7 years old.


Benji acts like a big brother to Ziggy, even though we arent sure exactly how old they are. Benji is confident, brave, social, and laid-back. Hes a sucker for belly rubs and will lie on his back kneading the air as long as you pet him. Watch out if you sit down around Benji, because hell zero in on your lap immediately and plop down for some cuddles! 

Ziggy is a little bit more shy, and will hide from new people for a couple minutes. Once he feels safe, hell rub up against your legs and let out a series of loud meows until you pet him. Ziggy has medium-length fur that requires brushing, but luckily he ADORES his brush and will sit patiently while you brush him.

Both cats use their litter box and are very well-mannered. Neither cat has bitten or scratched anyone in their foster home, as they are both really easygoing and friendly towards people. As long as people treat them with love and respect, they will do the same to you! The only thing they dont like is to be held, but they dont mind being picked up as long as its brief.

They will sometimes climb up on furniture because they like to nap higher up so they can see their surroundings. They would love to have a cat tree or window hammock in their new home!

As Ziggy and Benji are bonded, they will need to be adopted together as a pair. They cannot be separated. We think they would thrive in a home with just the two of them OR with other cats and dogs, as long as they are introduced slowly.


Benji was reently diagnosed with diabetes and receives twice daily insulin injections. Hes a plus-size kitty, so we are hoping that once he slims down he will no longer need insulin. He is on a wet-food-only diet to keep his hydration up and his carb intake low.

Ziggys bloodwork at the shelter showed possible signs of early renal disease or diabetes, but these indications could have been due to the "kitty cold" he had then, or the stress of the shelter environment. Repeating his blood test in the near future will help determine his medical needs.

Both cats are neutered, fully vaccinated, and treated for fleas! Their adopters should plan to renew vaccinations in June 2023 and provide monthly topical flea treatments.


- A family who can give them lots of attention and snuggles.
- Someone who will keep them as indoor-only cats. They have never been outdoors and will not thrive outdoors.
- Someone who has access to vet care to ensure they stay as healthy as possible.
- Someone who wants quiet, laid-back cat companions.
- A household with just humans, dogs, cats, or a mix of all three! Since Ziggy and Benji previously lived with cats and dogs, we think they will readjust quickly to living with other pets. Proper introductions will need to be followed to make sure they get used to each other slowly.


Email to inquire about adopting these two handsome boys!


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