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In shelter Cat

Youngsville, NC, 27596
Pet name:
Domestic Short Hair
Hi, I am Zippy. You may have heard about me from my sister, Zoomie, or maybe you are reading about me first. Just in case, I have a sister, Zoomie. We look very much alike. Foster mom calls us the ""Z Twins"" We are both ""buff"" kitties, so a creamy orangey coloration (not weight lifters). It also means we are just the cutest kitties ever.

I am your average adorable, high-energy kitten. I love to chase plastic springs, climb cat trees, and wrestle. I wrestle with both my sister and another foster cat here, Mineshaft. I also really love to watch your computer mouse and sit on keyboards - they are so warm!

I am not bonded to my sister, but I *will* need a playmate. I have lived my entire life with my sister, Zoomie, so adopting us together would be fantastic. We get along really well. We share our food, even though she eats a lot more than I do. We run down the hallway together. I can run faster than she can though, but sometimes I run too fast and hit the doors and walls. Oh well, it doesnt stop me for long before I head the other direction!

When I am tired, I do enjoy laying on a warm lap. I will purr the entire time. I will even sleep with you if you let me. I sometimes like to play with your feet at night, but I am getting better at knowing that is not the most appreciated behavior. I am still learning a lot as I am growing up For more information or to apply to adopt please go to:


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