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In shelter Dog

Park Ridge, IL, 60068
Pet name:
English Bulldog
Brown / Chocolate
Hi there! I am Bubba! I am a one-year-old ball of energy! I’m told I’m a handsome guy. I have that pretty coloring, and the cutest little pink spot on my nose. I have looked in the mirror, and I agree! What a handsome pup I am! 

I came into CEBR very sick and near death from something called parvovirus, which the vet says could have been prevented from a simple vaccine. I was SO weak I couldnt do what I love to do... and that is, PLAY! Boy oh boy do I love toys. I still act like a puppy... I am only one year old, you know! I can play for hours and hours! I am FAST like the flash! I can run down the stairs faster than the speed of light! Since parvovirus is contagious, I haven’t met any other dogs yet, but my foster mom says that once the vet says it’s safe, I can try playing with other dogs!

Since I’m still young, I need to work on my manners. If you enter my foster home, Ill be all over you! I am very curious and want you to tell me your whole life story the moment you walk in the door. I am a nosey guy, Ill admit that! I am slowly getting better at listening. I listen to "sit" and get rewards. I love rewards! Do you hate cooking alone? Dont worry because I am a sous chef! Thats right, Bubba the sous chef! I stand at your feet the entire time youre in the kitchen! I want to help! Yeah... thats it, help! I am not looking for scraps or anything... (wink wink.)

I’m still learning not to go potty in the house. I wish I could hold it, but at times I just cant! I do have occasional accidents but that is getting better too! 

Personal space? Whats that? I have never heard of personal space but that doesnt sound like something I am into.. I like to sit on your lap. I am only 46 pounds... (only ha ha!). As much as I love to snuggle, Its really important to me that I have my own special space too. I love my safe space, my crate. That is my place to relax and dream of all of my favorite things! Toys, treats, and playing! 

Thanks CEBR and all of the volunteers and donors for taking care of little me! I can’t wait to start the next chapter of my life and put this all behind me and get back to playing!

If you would like to donate to Bubbas care, and the care of dogs like him, please go to our website at or Venmo @ChicagoEBR

HOW TO QUALIFY FOR A CEBR BULLY- To determine if you qualify to adopt one of our adorable bullies start by viewing our Adoption Area Map. If you fall within the boundaries and are interested in our bullies the first step is to complete an application by visiting


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