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In shelter Dog

Shinnston, WV, 26431
Pet name:
Labrador Retriever
Coat length:
Goose is needing returned.

Goose (originally Mason) is a 7 month old hound/lab mix. He is up to date on all vaccines, neutered, and microchipped.

Here is what his adopter writes:

We are are so sad to re-home him. We love him so much. It’s getting hard for us to keep our toddler safe with the random fights that happen between him and our other dog. There is no one specific trigger. Goose very much wants our full attention and will fight our other dog if he comes near us when Goose wants us to pay attention to him. They have fought over food and water before but not very often. They fight more for attention from me and my husband. If we are sitting on the couch Goose will tower over the other dog to show dominance and not let him come near the couch or he attacks him.
He’s great with our 2 year old, chases the cats but has never hurt them. He’s crate trained at night due to the fighting that was occurring at night, he’s house trained -we have a doggie door. We keep him out of his cage when we go to work and he doesn’t tear up shoes or anything. Sometimes he will get my daughters toys if we leave them out, but does great other than that. No pee or poop accidents for long periods of time. We have trained him to sit, lay down and come to “Goose come”. He’s a GREAT PUPPY and very treat motivated. He will do phenomenal in a home with no other dogs. Please find him the best home. Thank you!

His background: he was originally surrendered to us at 4 weeks old with his siblings. We had a foster for them until they were 8 weeks old and adopted out.

Written by his adopter he should be in a home with no other animals - we would like to note he currently lives with another dog and a cat. In our experience, especially at 7 months old, this means he could live in a home with another animal. Obedience training and socialization would definitely be recommended. And a trainer/behaviorist to help identify and correct his negative behaviors.
If adopted into a single animal home- we would also highly suggest training to keep him socialized and build his confidence. Labs & Hounds need a lot of physical and mental stimulation.
We would highly suggest a meet and greet if you have another animal.
If interested in Goose (Mason) please submit an application.


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