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In shelter Dog

Atlanta, GA, 30318
Pet name:
Pit Bull Terrier
Zephyr was named Zeek at the shelter, and his handler was already calling him "Z", so the name Zephyr means he still gets called "Z" - lol! Those of us who see him every day, and love this boy have our own not-so-secret name for him as well, because it suits him. We call him "Big Sexy"!

"Z" is definitely a big sexy dude!

Z was relinquished to the shelter by his owner, after having lived in a home for 5 years. He and another male in the home were apparently no longer happy to live together, and so Z lost the only home he had ever known. While this is sad, it seems that this boy needed a bit better home than he had lived in, as he had entropian in both eyes that was severe enough that he had the surgery at the shelter. He is also heartworm positive. But all is going to look up for this hunk now, we promise!

Z is a solid 70 pound boy, with the most beautiful brindle coat. He loves toys, he loves treats, and maybe most of all, he loves laps! If big solid sexy dudes that are up for a good time, and like to snuggle, are your cup of tea, you might want to to think about making this boy yours when he graduates!


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