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In shelter Dog

Cincinnati, OH, 45223
Pet name:
Pit Bull Terrier
Staten Island- the Bahamans of New York and the most perfect dog in Cincinnati! Okay, maybe no one says that *yet* but once you meet Staten, we promise you will be pinching yourself saying "I cant believe I met the most perfect dog in Cincinnati Ohio!!"

At just 44 lbs and only a year old, Staten has a flare for life that only a puppy can have! He hasnt seen the stock market crash yet, he hasnt had to pay taxes, he doesnt know that Kim and Pete broke up- he has been untouched by the real world and therefore, brings sweet innocence into your life.

He is perfect in the crate, perfect on a leash, perfect with meeting new friends: he couldnt get more perfect if he tried! Because of how perfect he is, he does prefer to be the only pup in the home (mostly to make sure the other dogs dont feel bad they arent as perfect as him- gosh he is one thoughtful pup!) 

If you are interested in meeting this sweet, angelic, smooshy (we could list about 400 other words and still not encompass his perfection) pup, come down to Cincinnati Animal CARE and ask to meet the most perfect pup there (or ask for Staten, theyll know who you are talking about!)


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