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In shelter Dog

Perkasie, PA, 18944
Pet name:
This senior guy has a story to tell. Kodi was literally dumped out of a car at night on I 95. The fact that he is alive is a miracle in itself if youve ever driven that thruway. He ran off but after multiple attempts over the next couple of days was able to be caught. We were asked to help him which of course we did. Kodi was clearly neglected in his previous home. He tested positive for 2 tick borne diseases which have been treated and for heartworm disease for which he likewise finished the treatment. Its all behind him now!

?Due to Kodis past he needs slower introductions to new people. Kodi LOVES food so that is a big help when introducing him to strangers. Allowing him time to check you out and coexist is best for him before going right in for pets. Once he feels comfortable though he LOVES pets and attention and will come over with a wagging nub and smiling face. When meeting Kodi you may not think that he had any fears with strangers, but that is because we have done things a certain way and took the pressure off of him when introducing him to people.

Dont let his age turn you away. Kodi still has a lot of energy and is young at heart. He didnt seem to know what toys were, but during his time here in foster care he has learned that they are fun. He loves throwing his toys up in the air and catching them. It is quite entertaining to watch. He also is starting to get the hang of fetch as well. Kodi loves car rides! He is so quiet and good in the car. His favorite places to go are drive thrus where he hopes that he may get something for being such a good boy. He also loves going to the park and taking a nice stroll taking in all of the new smells and scenery. Gardening? Reading a good book? Hiking? Kodi will be right there to keep  you company with a wagging nub. He is down for anything you want to do.

Kodi has come so far with his confidence since entering the rescue. We need to make sure that his family will truly understand this and is open and willing to learn how to keep this going in his new home. A low-key home would be best for him without a lot of visitors or young kids. Kodi can be slower to adapt to change so his adopter will need to give him ample time to adjust and acclimate to his new people, environment, and routine.

Kodi has so much love to give and is ready to start a new chapter. Think you can give this boy what he needs? If so, please fill out an application as per the instructions below.

**If you are serious about adopting , you must head to our website at and submit a completed application. There are also additional photos there. We will not do anything without an app. Due to the small size of our volunteer-run rescue, only the approved adopter may be contacted. It is not first come first served, but the best match **


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