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Sonny (SPONSORS needed!)   

In shelter Dog

Iroquois, IL, 60945
Pet name:
Sonny (SPONSORS needed!)
Brown / Chocolate
Coat length:
On September 11th, 2015 Sonny was hit by a car in Chicago and taken to Chicago Animal Care and Control. He sat there for almost a week.....his euthanasia date was set but that didnt stop ICARes President from doing everything possible to save his life. After many, many phone calls and emails we got Sonny to safety and more importantly to see the vet! Tests were done showing a spinal cord injury that will not heal. Sonny had no use of his back legs. He also could not urinate on his own so his bladder had to be expressed manually.  Let me tell you how amazing this dog is! He can NOW urinate on his own AND even more amazing is Sonny is getting therapy and has REGAINED the function in his back legs! He can walk for a limited amount of time and stand on his own! Sonny has some wheels to help him get around on longer walks as his front end is very strong and he is perfectly capable of going all over! Sonny needs a special, special forever home. A family that will love him and treat him like a king. Sonny also needs SPONSORS, as he has a special diet and takes many supplements recommended by our vets.


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