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In shelter Dog

Etobicoke, ON, M9W 3L8
Pet name:
Beau is 8 weeks old, with lots of puppy energy! He is a mix of Husky and Shepherd who came to us from Northern Manitoba.

He will most likely large sized dog when full grown. He would both do well with an active family that can keep up with his energy and start his training journey. Beau need to learn good manners of being a well rounded pup, but luckily, he seems to love to please. Hes a happy puppy who loves everyone he meets

Beau with other dogs and has been hanging out with a 5-year Collie/Husky mix at the foster home. He is fine with cats but wants to play so will need to be redirected if things become too stressful or annoying for the kitties. Hs met kids and was initially a tad shy but soon warmed up. He would be fine sharing a home with dog savvy kiddos.

Hs doing well with housetraining and with crate training, but will need his new family to keep working and supporting the training. Once settled, he sleeps through the night, rising early in the morning.

He should
go to puppy school for socializing, sound advice and guidance, so its important that potential adopters have good, positive reinforcement classes on their radar

Raising a puppy takes a lot of patience and is a time commitment, as they really are a full time job, but well worth the effort in the long run.


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